Price Of Tracts
Suggested Offering For Tracts
(For United States Orders Only)
100 Tracts..$3.00 800 Tracts..$14.00
200……….6.00 900……….15.00
300……….8.00 1,000……..20.00
400……….8.50 2,000……..40.00
500……….9.00 3,000……..50.00
600……….10.00 4,000……..60.00
700………12.00 5,000……..70.00
ORDER A BANANA BOX OF 17,000 TO 20,000 TRACTS FOR $60.00
Many who order tracts want to know the price of our tracts. We don’t really have a fixed price on them. They are published and sent out liberally as the Lord supplies the means to do so. This is entirely a work of faith.
You will naturally understand that the tracts cannot be printed and sent out without someone paying the cost. Every stream must have a source of supply or it will fail.
Since this is not a self-endowed work, it is but fair and right that those who are able to send in offerings for their tracts do so. As to how much offering (or if any offering) is sent, we leave it entirely with the Lord and those ordering the tracts. If more than the cost of the tracts ordered is sent, this will be used to help send tracts to those who are not able to pay for them and for the general expenses and promotion of the work.
The Pilgrim Tract Society supplies many hundreds and thousands of tracts ENTIRELY FREE to those who are not able to pay for the cost of publishing and shipping. This is made possible through offerings and other means that the Lord sends in for the support of this work.
So if you are not able even to send an offering, and can still use tracts to a good advantage, do not let this hinder you from writing for Pilgrim Tracts. As the Lord sends in, we will continue to send out. We will send you as many tracts as possible, but we may not always be able to supply you with as many free tracts as you request, due to lack of finances. When you order free tracts, pray that someone will send an offering to cover the cost.
We have had those that ask us how much offering to send for a certain amount of tracts, because they want to be sure to cover what it cost us to produce and send the tracts. So we have made this suggested offering list that includes what it cost us to produced a certain number of tracts and also cover the cost of postage to ship the tracts to you.
Pilgrim Tract Society, Inc., PO Box 126, Randleman, NC 27317 USA. Phone: (336) 495-1241. Email: